Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Truth and Reconciliation

 Reconciliation: It matters to me because we need to learn from each other

The Anglican Diocese of New Westminster is preparing for our participation in the Truth and Reconciliation on Indian Residential Schools (National Event, Sept 17-22 Vancouver). While the adults heard from a former student and survivor of St. George's residential school, (initiated by our diocese) youth and children read Nicola Campbell’s book Shin-Chi’s Canoe about an Interior Salish boy and girl who are taken away from their home and family to a church-run residential school.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Sexual Misconduct Policy Workshop

Our Diocese in seeking to uphold the Gospel  values of love, truth and justice and in an effort to make our church a safe place for all members, employees and volunteers, lay and ordained, requires anyone who has responsibilities for vulnerable persons to read, be trained in, and sign an agreement to uphold our Sexual Misconduct Policy. 

The deanery of North Vancouver will hold a Sexual Misconduct Policy training workshop at St. Catherine Church, Edgemont Village, 1058 Ridgewood Drive, May 4, 9-noon. All persons involved with Sunday School, Youth Work, Parish Council (particularly Wardens and Treasurers), Pastoral Visiting and Driving, should attend or arrange to take advantage of the next training offered.

For further information contact:

Lynne McNaughton
cell 604-780-1420