Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Gifts Discernment Workshop October 19

North Vancouver Region
(Anglican and Lutheran)
Gifts Discernment Workshop

What is God calling me to do and be at this point in my life?  How do I best use my experience and talents for service in the church and/or the world?  What is my unique purpose in life?  

Are you asking these kinds of questions? Part of a healthy spiritual life is a periodic inventory to identify our own particular talents and determine how to use them well. This workshop will give participants resources and an opportunity to explore these questions.
In a recent Anglican Journal article, Andrew Stephens-Rennie, national youth staff person for the Anglican Church, said the church needs to challenge us to authentically live our faith in daily life, “to inspire (us) to a renewed sense of God’s call, and a vision of what that might look like, today.“  
This workshop will provide one way for this to begin for you.
Who: Ages 16 and up.
This is not for people experiencing a call to ordination, but for any baptized person seeking to name and honour who they are. If you are in some kind of transition in your life, may will find this helpful. If you are restless, bored or frustrated in your life, this may inspire renewed energy for you.

When: Saturday October 19  9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Where: St. Clement’s Anglican Church
Cost: $5.00 for supplies  (free for students)
Register: Call Yvonne at 604-988-4418
Leadership: The Venerable Lynne McNaughton, The Rev. Stephen Muir.

Katharine Jefferts Schori (Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church of the USA) challenged us at the Joint Assembly 2013:   

Get up, Get out, Get lost, in God’s mission for the world”  

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