Friday, 8 February 2013

Leadership School and Evangelism Event

Registration is now open for two great education events for lay people and clergy.

Leadership School

The School this year runs from Sunday July 21 through to  Saturday July 27 at Rosemary Heights. We are really looking forward to presenting Year B of the curriculum. Last summer’s school was very well received, so we have expanded enrolment this year to 50 participants. Parish teams are encouraged. Highlights of the program include parish visits, marketing, and power & politics. A brochure can be found here

Register online and then just send your cheque to Marnie at the Synod office. Cheques will be held here until April 30, which is the cut-off date for registration.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either Marnie or Tasha.

Evangelism Event

One highlight of the Diocesan School for Leadership are the models of church, different frameworks that allow us to look at our congregations and assess them. The Gather-Transform-Send model forms the basis for the March 2nd workshop Everyday Evangelism. Focusing on the “inviting” section of Gather-Transform-Send, the Rev. Andrea McMillin (consultant in congregational development, Diocese of Olympia) will take us through exercises that will help us develop of clear picture of our parish’s identity and practical ways to talk about our churches. This is for people who have found themselves saying “We’re a welcoming church, but visitors don’t seem to return…” or “I love the Anglican Church; why don’t others know about us?”

This is an excellent way to introduce concepts from the School for Leadership to people who are uncertain about making a full week commitment. It will also be a good refresher for last year’s participants (and includes new material). Plus, $20 includes lunch and materials. The flyer is here, and you can register online.  Questions? Call Tasha 604-684-6309 x 227

Bonus: Everyday Evangelism is at the same time and place as the next Stewardship seminar, STEWARDSHIP: Communications & Hospitality.  Share the ride and exchange ideas on the way home.

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