Minutes of the Regional Council of the Deanery of North Vancouver
Thursday, July 11, 2013
St. Agnes’ Anglican Church
Thursday, July 11, 2013
St. Agnes’ Anglican Church
Chair: Alison Watt
St. Agnes: Kathy Campbell, Stephen Muir
St. Catherine:
St. Clement: John Stowe, Lynne McNaughton
St. John: Alison Brookfield
St. Martin: Dana Bowman
Gloria Dei: Jim Berger, Gerhard Preibisch
Mount Olivet: Sharlene Hertz, Barbara Mayer
NV Diocesan Council Representative: Ian Thomas
Deanery Curate: Laurel Dykstra
- Welcome/regrets: Alison Watt welcomed new members from Mount Olivet and regrets provided from Patrick Blaney, Christine Rowe, Laurie Dye and Sarah Tweedale.
2. Opening prayer – Stephen Muir
3. Agenda - Agenda be approved as presented.
4. Minutes - M/S/C that the Minutes of the May 9, 2013, meeting be adopted as circulated.
5. Business arising from minutes:
5.1 Ministry and Congregational Development (MCDC) response to NV Regional Council Report
Lynne McNaughton outlined the feedback received from MCDC on the NV Regional Council Report. Key comments were for the Council not to over-commit clergy and others involved; that the Council is doing well generally and MCDC appreciates that the Council continues to keep them informed of its work.
ACTION - Next report is due to MCDC in December and to be scheduled for discussion at the November Council meeting.
6. Reports:
6.1 Youth and Adult Ministry
Laurel Dykstra circulated a report on the Regional Youth Ministry position. She is working towards a September start date for the youth worker and a hiring process is in place. The position details have been presented to MCDC and that group made suggestions to improve accountability and tighten the focus of the youth ministry coordinator position. These suggestions were incorporated into the position description. The final job description is to be presented as “new ministry” to MCDC and then to Administration & Finance Committee to review for 2014 Diocesan funding. Laurel is seeking new members for the committee. It is recommended that the salary payments be coordinated by a single church. Outstanding items are office space and a plan for administering a program budget.
Lynne McNaughton left the meeting for the discussion on the supervisor position.
M/S/C that Lynne McNaughton be designated as the supervisor of the position and a member of the hiring team.
Lynne McNaughton re-joined the meeting.
- Laurel is going to finalize the Job description and advertise the position for two weeks, with interviews taking place during the week of August 12th.
- Laurel will provide a copy of the job description to Mount Olivet representatives for discussion at their next Church Council meeting for potential funding contribution.
- Lynne McNaughton will prepare a bulletin insert on the youth position for circulation to worshipping communities.
- Alison Watt will gather the locations and details of where the position needs to be posted and provide to Laurel.
- Each worshipping community will be contacted with a request to send four post-dated cheques (September to December 2013) payable to St. Clement’s referencing “youth worker.”
- Lynne McNaughton to provide a “new ministry” report to MCDC with Laurel’s assistance at the end of August.
6.2 Ministry Team
Lynne McNaughton provided an update on the Ministry Team planning day on May 30th. Planning is underway for a fall ministry program.
ACTION: Lynne McNaughton will be sending Mike Nelson a listing of the confirmed fall ministry events for posting on the blog.
6.3 Neighbourhood Engagement Team
Patrick Blaney will circulate a report at the next meeting.
6.4 Lynn Valley Working Group
Lynne McNaughton stated that the garden boxes at St. Clement’s are a great success.
- Edgemont/Capilano Working Group
Jim Berger spoke to the discussions between Gloria Dei and St. Catherine’s Councils. They are seeking agreements to explore working together in an intentional and concrete way to have an area-based shared ministry. Some of the areas being explored include a common vision, reviewing finances/resources/facilities, and sharing social gatherings, worship and outreach. Of note is that the joint Anglican-Lutheran Commission has set up an inventory of collaboration between Anglican and Lutheran parishes in Canada as this is a significant process underway in many areas.
- Eco/Social Justice Working Group
Alison Watt outlined the following activities of the Working Group:
- Joined the Metro Vancouver Alliance to advocate social policy changes
- Living Wage Campaign will be presenting to the Eco-Justice Working Group in the fall
- Posters circulated for the Pride Parade on August 4th and Eco-Justice members will participate with a banner
- Following up on the pipeline debate and keeping the issue in front of the public.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is coming to Vancouver September 18 to 21. This is an important event for hearing and acknowledging the issues of residential schools. A poster was circulated with details:
- Monday, Sept 16 – Lighting of the Sacred Fire; Lighting of the Olympic Torch
- Tuesday, Sept 17 - All Nations Canoe Gathering
- Wednesday, Sept 18 – 21 = All are invited to participate in the four days of ceremony, hearings, presentations and community conversations; support is needed including a coordinator and bakers for 500 cupcakes (Foodsafe), supply of prayer shawls, and volunteers at Hastings Park and in the Agrodome where there will be “Churches listening to survivors” with Morning Prayer, Sharing Circles and De-Briefing sessions. Note: you do not have to register to be a witness to the events and sessions.
- Wednesday, Sept 18 – North Vancouver will be responsible for providing eucharist in the evening at St. David’s of Wales, 2475 Franklin Street, Vancouver, BC V5K 1X3.
- Sunday, Sept 22 – Walk for Reconciliation – 4 km walk – all participants need to register on-line; Laurel has a team; our Region will have shared worship Saturday evening/early Sunday morning and attend the walk together.
ACTION: Alison Watt will circulate further information on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Regional Council representatives to discuss in their worshipping communities and for them to assist with on-line registration for the walk at coffee hours. At their Church Council meetings, Mount Olivet, St. Martin’s and St. John’s need to review having an Eco-Justice representative.
- Diocesan Council
Ian Thomas attended the June 11th Diocesan Council meeting. The Bishop emphasized the importance of getting the word back to the deaneries about what Diocesan Council does. The Reconnect Task Force has been established to improve the relationships and communication between the Diocese and deaneries/parishes. Ian offered to attend and speak in person to worshipping communities to provide highlights of the Diocesan Council meetings. The Fresh Start program was approved at the Diocese for parishes in transition with new incumbents. A move is being contemplated for the Synod Offices to be moved out of the downtown core. The Electoral Synod will be convened on November 30th.
7. New Business - none
8. Information
Stephen Muir circulated a flyer for “Shredding For A Cure” being held on Saturday, July 20th at Lynn Valley United Church from 10 am to 2 pm.
9. The meeting closed with prayer and adjourned at 9:12 pm
Next meetings:
Alison Watt will advise members if a meeting is being convened for Thursday, August 8th at St. Catherine’s Church, 1058 Ridgewood Drive, North Vancouver
Thursday, September 12th at Gloria Dei Church, 1110 Gladwin Drive, North Vancouver.
Deadline for agenda items - Thursday, September 5th (to be sent to Alison Brookfield)
IMPORTANT DATES COMING UP in 2013 – provide dates of events and meetings to Mike Nelson and Stephen Muir
September 16-21 - Truth and Reconciliation sessions
September 22 – Walk for Reconciliation
September 28 - Emergency Preparedness workshop with the North Vancouver Fire Department at St. Agnes
October 19 - Regional Session on Discerning Gifts
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